Following text contains rules and regulations written by the ZULDAZAR WOW Team, and any attempt to break the rules will result in a suspension of your game account.
Rules are written with the goal of providing a friendly and non-hacking environment, and no matter if you are a regular player, server supporter or member of the Team, you must follow them.
We have the right to change the rules anytime, so check this thread from time to time.
We have the right to punish a player without warning.
(Website, forums, global communication game channels, whispers, party channels, guild channels)
- Using coloured text or big Icons in global channels or in mall, is not allowed. Flooding it with repeated messages too. Avoid being muted or banned.
- Discriminatory harassment: Avoid insulting someone's country, culture, lifestyle or skin-colour at all costs.
Slang such as the n-word aren't allowed either, even in Guild chat. Jokes of that kind are not welcomed.
- Spamming/flooding the forums or the game is against the rules, and by doing it, you will be purged from the forums and/or banned from the game.
- Insulting members of the ZULDAZAR WOW Team is not allowed.
- Sharing personal user information is not allowed.
- Speaking foreign language in global communication channels is not allowed.
- Trash talking about the project/community/server is not allowed.
We are all here to play the game, have fun all together, and enjoy the vanilla experience we all seek for.
That is why we are not allowing any sort of disrespect or harassment among the players.
Penalty: (Mute/Kick/Ban/Permanent Ban) Depending on the situation.
(Third party software, botting, dupe hacking, exploiting, abusing bugs, glitching)
We are a 3.3.5a FUN server with only one goal, to provide intact game experience.
Using any third party softwares to modify or boost your game-play will lead to a permanent account ban.
By finding a game exploit/glitch/bug that makes your game play easier, you have to report it to our Bugtracker or any of the Staff members.
Modifying your character scale in populated locations.
Abusing any of those from above will also be considered as a way of cheating and can lead you to temporary suspension or permanent ban.
Penalty: (Temporary/Permanent Ban)
Exploring Event Zones / GM Areas - Places
Are forbidden for players.
(Breaking the rules will result to actions taken against your account/s)
(In-game Mail, Donation Panel, Forums and Website)
Abusing any of the systems by using multiply IP's, accounts, characters or softwares is against the rules.
Penalty: (48 hours/Permanent Ban)
(Other server discussions, advertising)
Talking about other game servers is highly forbidden on ZULDAZAR WOW and will lead you into permanent ACCOUNT and IP ban without possibilities to write an appeal.
Penalty: (Permanent IP & Account Ban)
(Setting up a fake tag is a big no-no!)
Pretending to be a Staff Member either to scam or threat someone is absolutely forbidden.
Gamemasters will NEVER ask for your account credentials.
Gamemasters will NEVER ask for your personal information.
Gamemasters will ALWAYS use a GM tag in front of their names.
If you see someone trying to impersonate a member of the staff, or you see a website that does not start with www.ZULDAZAR asking for your account credentials, or asking for server donations, please let us know.
Penalty: (Permanent IP & Account Ban)
Multiboxing is allowed, if you don't engage in PvP.
Multiboxing isn’t allowed in any hosted GM events.
(Everything related to Transfers within the same account)
It is forbidden to make transfers from one account to another. All the transfers have to be done by the same account. Transfers normally can be done by the ZULDAZAR WOW Staff Team, and there are fees required to be done.
(5 euros / 250 Donor Point per item - 15 euros / Full Non-Custom Transfer - 25 euros / Full Custom Transfer)
(Fly Everywhere, Morphing)
Using the Fly Everywhere mount inside a Battleground or Arena is not allowed
Using Morphs, to get yourself so small, that you can't be targeted is not allowed
Penalty: (Kick/1 day/ 3 day/ 30 day Ban)
(Battleground AFKing, Honor Farming)
Deliberately afking in the battlegrounds is highly forbidden. (Sitting at Graveyard complaining that you are being farmed)
Allowing someone to kill you or let you kill his/her toon to get Honor points not allowed.
Wintrading: Arranged battles in order to profit of its prizes is highly forbidden.
Penalty: (Kick/24 hours/48 hours/Permanent Ban)
Penalty: We will remove your honor & items granted while cheating.
(Everything related to accounts - read carefully)
This is a scam you should avoid the most. If you are trying to sell or trade your account through any of the communication channels in the game, expect to loose
your characters & accounts. You are fully responsible for all the actions that are going under your account and/or IP address.
Selling your account for real life currency or virtual currency is highly forbidden.
You are also not allowed to sell power tokens, gold or items for real life or virtual currency.
Penalty: (Permanent IP Ban and Permanent Account/s Ban)
If you accept our rules and regulations, then you are very welcome to become a part of the ZULDAZAR WOW project.